Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Operation Wedding Cake: Phase 2

With the impending visit from my sister and her fiance this weekend, phase 2 of Operation Wedding Cake has begun. Plain white cakes don't make for the most interesting photo so I've added in a couple of the props we'll be playing with at the weekend when hopefully we will come up with the final design.

It was back to livingston AGAIN this morning with Weasley a.k.a Trouble (yes, that's his 7th trip now). The vet agreed that yes, whilst it's nowhere near as bad as it was, the crackle in his lungs are back so it's another week on the antibiotics for him. I appear to have been the talk of Livingston taxi drivers over the last month (even those that haven't taken me on any of the 14 taxi journeys I've had to take) arriving at the train station today to be greeted by "oh it's the ferret girl again".

Let's see what tomorrow brings...

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