Brown's Clix

By tonybrown


This pigeon and her mate have been trying to nest in our (yet-to-flower) wisteria, and have finally made it - somewhat late in the season, but I suspect it may be her first time.

It is also satisfying for Management who has been avidly watching the antics of the birds as they have built their nest in a seemingly unapproachable part of the plant quite close to a set of French windows.

No doubt there will be clucking all round of a satisfying nature once the eggs have hatched and Pigeon Junior pops out.

If the colours look odd, they's not your monitor. With full sunlight behind me, greenery everywhere and a red brick wall behind the bird it looked more like a strange type of parakeet at first!

Random word: set.

Apart from the set of French windows, after her house-bulding antics, Mrs Pigeon looks set to produce a fine brood - with any luck.

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