Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Pour Me Another

Don't worry, it's only water.

I'd forgotten to check my calendar today and was very surprised when Cynthia reminded me it was time to get ready to go to our training session with Dennis at the Apple Store. We hadn't given a lot of thought to what questions we wanted to ask, other than to make sure that we knew how to avoid running up a huge bill for internet access in Iceland, as one of our friends did in Europe. We easily managed to find enough questions to fill the allotted 50 minutes and once again were very glad we signed up for the service.

We decided to go to the Copper Hog for a light meal afterwards. The food has always been good, but it was even better this evening. They have a new chef from one of Bellingham's now-defunct restaurants. I had a small grilled lamb chop with grape panzanella salad, mint, and goat cheese. If you want to know what C ordered and shared with me, you'll have to read her blip.

I almost forgot to mention the schooner (10% ABV) of New Belgium Pluot Ale, one of the Lips of Faith series -- excellent! For those of you who can't be bothered to follow the link, a pluot is a peach/apricot hybrid.

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