
By Juli

Homeward bound!

I hate saying 'goodbye' but today we had to, as our visit to sunny California came to an end.

Our journey home was made slightly easier by the fact that my husband had used his airmiles to upgrade us to Premium Economy and he also managed to get us into the BA Executive Lounge before the flight. I knew there had to be something positive about the fact he's always away! And very nice it was, too. Free food, free drink, smart waiting staff, real glasses and cutlery. How the other half live, eh?!?

We had a fantastic time visiting my family and it seems very strange to be home and back to reality (although it has been raining for three days, so that helps it to feel like we're home!). Seriously, hopefully it won't be long before we're all back together again.

Meanwhile, desperately trying to catch up on here... and everywhere else! I'll get there eventually, promise!

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