Sweet Corn Festival

Today was day two of the Downtown Urbana Sweet Corn Festival. This is a big event here every year. Lots of streets are blocked off for this event. There are bands with all types of music playing on a stage in three different locations, Vendors with crafts, arts, all kinds of food and the always favorite is the car show. Then there is lots and lots of sweet corn to eat. I went to take some blips of the many cars this afternoon. It was so hot and I didn't get to blip even half of them. I came back early this evening to take more blips and they were all gone. Sure was glad I got to see and blips what I did see. These are a few of the awesome cars I saw. I was disappointed most of them had their hoods up. Doesn't make for as good a picture I don't think. I choose this 1953 Studebaker ( think that is the year) for my main blip today because this is just like the second car I ever owned, except mine was a hard top and the same bright red. Later I traded it in for a 1955 2 dr. Ford, which later I traded in for my all-time favorite car. A 1957 white Chevy convertable. Why didn't I keep that one forever.

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