Light & sight

By CameronDP

Wild blue

So… tomorrow is the day I fly off into the wild blue yonder. 5200 miles to traverse - and it will still be Tuesday (by the calendar anyway) when I get there. Currently raging forest fires could curtail a planned visit to my brother's cabin in the mountains, but I am determined to have a good time anyway...plans are afoot.
Who's the handsome wee chappie in this photo-of-an-old-photo? Yes, as I'm sure you've all already guessed, it's me. The original was taken many many moons ago by my Mum in San Francisco. I was about six months old and still getting the hang of that whole walking and talking lark back then. It's not as easy as it looks you know!
I hope to blip at least a few times while over there, but I may not have much time for commenting on other people's journals during my jaunt. I trust you will all be patient with me if that happens...!
Physically I have been feeling rather peculiar the last few days. I think it may all be the symptoms of needing a proper holiday...
Packing pretty much done!

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