Paulette encore

Ne faites pas la course contre le temps, surtout si vous pensez qu'il est plus rapide que vous!

We call in to see Paulette every few days - she always insists that we have coffee there even though sometimes Mr A gets palpitations afterwards as consequence of its strength! She was on the phone today updating her sister with the latest developments on 'the situation'. I love her approach - we sat down - she acknowledged us and kept on talking on the phone for ages. We both had a quite a lot of work to do so we made to get up and she waved us to sit down again but still continued talking.. I would love to be able to do that sometimes . just keep people waiting and think nothing of it ..and with her we don't mind.. when she finally finished on the phone we got her undying attention too .. She has become such a special person in our lives.

Translation: Don't race against time especially if you think it is faster than you!

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