
The wildflower seeds I planted back in the spring had quite
tall Dandylions, different to the common ones and larger
flowerhead, I will collect a few of the seeds and see if they
take next year, the insects love em. Mr L is still in the lurky
depths of the old Barn, I nearly plucked up the strengh to
give him a hand but then I remembered I am allergic to
dust, so best not eh.......... Instead I did a food shop at the
dreaded super market, then started sorting out more crap
interesting stuff in the room which is ONE day going to
have the log burner, the people are busy so it won't get done
for a couple of months, plenty time phew :-)
After a lovely warm morning it has now started to rain and
is slightly cooler, not supposed to last so the farmers will be
happy about that as they have started the hearst ( harvest)
Hope your all having a great day.

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