A Rare Sight

This is me in my "dressed to impress" outfit. Or maybe it's the "power" look. Either way it cost us a mint on the weekend.

Me in a tie is something you won't see very often. And thanks to YouTube, I now know how the tie a Windsor knot. Hmmm. I might put that in my resume.

All went well this arvo. I am not going to say too much about it right now. Suffice to say that I am excited. On top of that I got another call this morning. I think the fishing term goes: If you throw out enough lines you will eventually get a bite.

Watch this space.

In other news, I took Jassy down to the park late this morning. She was quite relaxed and we played ball until she ran out of puff. Rare. I can confidently say she has had her quota of exercise for today.

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