THANK YOU...................

..................So, so, so, much all you BLIP lovelies for all your kind comments on my 1000th BLIP yesterday.

When I was an unhappy little 6 month old collie living in an RSPCA centre, never in my wildest dreams, did I imagine that I would have more than 620 people who would care enough about me to subscribe to my BLIPBLOG.

You really have all restored my faith in human kindness.

Ann says I’m not perfect and never, ever will be. But she loves me. And I love her.

However, Ann is really, really busy at work at the moment. Her ‘part time’ job as ‘office administrator’ at 'Star Linen Hire' (which she started in April) has somehow ‘morphed’ into a full time job, where she is doing a lot of the ‘washing’ & ironing’. Oh the joys of working for a friend!

On a positive note – all the ‘running around’ has made her lose weight so she’s the lightest she’s been in the last 20 years?!! Not that she was overweight before she started the job.

On a negative note – she’s tired all the time and has no time for herself. What with work, my two hours of walks a day and domesticated chores, there’s just no time for anything else.

.................What I think she’s trying to say BLIPPERS is ...............

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your lovely comments on my 1000th blip. Haven’t got the time to reply to you all individually but both myself & Ann are really touched by how lovely all you BLIPPERS are.

Still don’t understand why so many people want to follow the daily life of an ordinary little collie dog like me? But ho hum, I’ll keep blipping because I’m a bit addicted now!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you lovely BLIPPERS – You’re all ace. xxx

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