Something Pink

I overdid it yesterday.

I slept late, took Stella out, had lunch, watched some TV, baked some cakes (Blueberry & Almond Mini Fluffy Muffins), watched some more TV, dyed my hair (too dark but at least there's no grey until I'm up to having it done properly!), had a shower, had tea, played with words and photos while watching TV, went to bed before 11pm.

Most people do very much more than that during a day but for me it's overdoing it apparently.

I know this because before lunch my body had given me pins & needles, made me fall over, then made me fall asleep at a table. At work.

I woke up with my parents eating their lunch on the tiny bit of table that I wasn't sprawled on not wanting to disturb me! It's funny now but I can't help thinking "What if I'd been at a different job with proper colleagues?!"

Feeling fine again and I managed to have a somewhat productive afternoon :)

Too tired to cook though so a it's a ready meal for tea (don't tell Jamie!)

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