Return to the North

By Viking

T's tree

Last day of the conference today and thus last full day in Queenstown. Last days of conference are normally a bit of a let down and today was no exception. Lots of people leaving at various points in the proceedings to catch planes back to various far flung places in NZ. Maybe because of this they put the deathly dull and boring speakers on on a friday! I managed an hour this morning before I considered throwing myself off the top of the Gondola!!!
Knowing that this would happen I had arranged to go see 3 of my video conferencing student at Mt Aspiring College in Wanaka. We usually see each other at the end of a camera which can be a bit intimidating for them so they were touched by the personal appearance :-)
The home dean also had a surprise for me - she had arranged for one of our ex Murch boys to come out of lessons to see me. Was a real pleasure to see N looking and sounding so happy.
Anyways I had a bit of time to spare so I went in search of the tree in the lake - in full school gear of skirt, pantyhose and heels! So any Wanaka blippers who saw some stark raving mad woman teetering across a gravel beach to get this shot - Yep that was me!!!!!

Anyone want to see the views back to Queenstown check out my flickr here

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