Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

96. Slowing it Down

A day of Love-Boming my Boo; some sacred Mummy-Boo time before that all important First Day of School. He is nervous. We had fun - a night in a hotel (this shot is in the grounds) followed by a day entirely dictated by him. This was part of his self initiated photo-shoot, location chosen by him, posing, everything. He saw this little ledge and said "lets do a nice photo here". We then had a slow and leisurely morning exploring the grounds of the hotel; building dens, picking flowers, trying to follow the call to prayer (he really wanted to find the mosque that the sound was coming from so that he could join in with their praying), making paper boats for little flowers to sail across the lake in... beautiful times. After that, we headed to Cadbury world for some intense chocolate delight. A gorgeous day all round :)

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