Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

An iconic image from a different angle

Today I was out with BW checking the route for the Geology walk in our upcoming festival. The weather was again kind, although I carried full waterproofs, just in case. The walk took us from Once Brewed via Steel Rigg and the north of the Wall. This is a favourite path of mine because you see the Whin Sill rising dramatically to the south, with Hadrian's Wall on top of it.

Here is the view of Robin Hood's Tree Sycamore Gap with Highshield Crags stretching to the east. If you go large you will see people walking the Trail and sections of the Wall itself.

I'm going on a short course on mono landscape photography next week and I'm trying to get my eye in. This image is usually very difficult to capture because the sun is from the south and so the crags are too dark. I took 3 images and combined them in HDR before using levels and curves and converting to mono. I like the brooding clouds overhead.

We completed our walk with no problems. We met a few folk including one couple who needed help to go through a gate because the cows and calves were clustered beyond it. We gave out leaflets, of course. At Once Brewed we talked to a couple who wanted a cup of tea. They had decided to go to Hexham, so I suggested they might give a lift to the man waiting anxiously for the AD122 bus to arrive. (We didn't know him but he said he is a friend of our friend Julie!!)

A very pleasant day topped off with a mince dinner and Only Connect on TV.

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