Wildest Toronto

A much better day, with a slow start, a good breakfast, time in the North American Festival of Wales Marketplace, where we connected with friends, and a walk to Beer Bistro, where we had an excellent evening meal and fine draft beers. My pre-trip research paid off, as both of us liked Beer Bistro so much that we're going there for brunch on Sunday, as well, and may find ourselves there tomorrow, too.

The high temperatures and humidity had moderated by the time we left our hotel in late afternoon, and we enjoyed our six-block walk, gawking at the seemingly endless skyscrapers, many of them with reflective exteriors. Toronto is a city of great diversity, and I would have been happy just standing next to a building and watching the citizens of the world walk past me.

On our way to dinner, we walked through Commerce Center, an open space between some of those tall buildings, graced with a fountain and small pool, and this enchanting public art -- "Tembo, Mother of Elephants," by Toronto artist Derrick Stephan Hudson, made of bronze, 2002. Small children weren't the only ones who found it irresistible!

At 10 pm, we will join other festival goers in the "Imperial Foyer" around a piano and sing Welsh hymns for a couple of hours. Phil and I haven't sung for some time, so we will need to take it easy tonight in order to have voices left for the rest of the weekend!

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