family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

15 months

my little man is now 15 months old, how did that happen!!! he loves holding this board and having his pic taken, wait no he loves holding it and running off giggling with it.

at 15 months my little monster is showing us something new everyday
he is obsessed with balls, any size, it doesn't matter.
his throwing is amazing very controlled
he has now learnt to kick and dribble the ball. he goes up and down the garden kicking the ball.
he has a few more words but will copy most words and sounds that you do.
he still LOVES his food and is starting to get the taste for cows milk (finally)
he can now sign a few words (milk, duck and hot), and is desperately trying to say them as well.

back to work today and babies back to the childminders. they were making cakes at 730 this morning as we arrived, they were for a picnic that they were all going on with the other childminders and children. (and there was no cake left for me at the end of the day)

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