Filterama Monday

I must admit that I've been struggling with this challenge, not so much with the changing of the effect of the original photo, but making a collage of the original and the played around with version!!

Things Beautiful gave me some tips a couple of weeks ago and today I have actually succeeded with the collage, yay!! And thank you so much for your help TB. :)

I'm just at Picasa level and would love to try Photoshop, but if I'm struggling with Picasa, will I be totally bamboozled by a more advanced program??

To Photoshop, or not to Photoshop, that is the question....

Meanwhile, I hope you like my attempt at using Comic Book today on my "Brunfelsias" flowers, which I prefer to call "Yesterday Today and Tomorrow" which is their common name. The bush is overflowing with flowers right now. Very pretty, and very fragrant, especially at night. :))

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