Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

It tasted like yellow.

It nearly happened today. I nearly managed to get myself a shot in a combine today. I was gutted when it didn't happen.

Two things I can't seem to make happen; the combine thing and a job.

It's the same with both situations, close but no cigar.

Claire had a good day at school today, which is reassuring. The last thing she spoke about this morning was her great annoyance that they (school), had changed the rotation of the subjects she's studying. This meant she didn't know which classrooms to go to and the names of the teachers she'd have.

There wasn't much I could do to help her, except lamely suggest that it would be ok and follow other people in your class.

Very relieved to hear her day was good.

Technologies was game programming (easy)
Music was just keyboard (boring)
English moved on a chapter in The Hunger Games.

The downside was Maths is still light blue and smells like eggs.

She couldn't bring her cooking home, because it tasted yellow.

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