25 years ago........................

.........................Ann was a full time primary teacher, studying for an OU degree, teaching 2 aerobic classes a week, taking part in at least 7 aerobic classes a week, clubbing every Thursday night until at least 3am, working 2 evenings a week in a video rental shop and working on a Sunday afternoon in a hotel bar, baking loads of cakes & biscuits, as well as going out and about and socialising with her friends. .....................And she was never, ever tired!

Over the last few weeks she has averaged 52 hours of work per week for a part-time job grrrr, walked me for a couple of hours each day, drank a lot of wine for medicinal purposes of course and moaned a lot about how tired she is.

She's only 54 for goodness sake. I'm 63 in human years and I'm full of beans.

Old age really does creep up on you doesn't it?

Oh well, ho hum, - at least she has a lovely view while she's drinking wine??!!!

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