
Quiet.......nothing....... space......

the banks of the Avon Mill today were just heavenly.............just Tilly and me!

Getting out of the car..long lens round my neck, another on my shoulder and a dog on a lead. Locked up and set off . Hadn't gone 20 yds when I met this man who looked in all honesty just not the ticket! Very pale, sweating and overweight just standing there with fishing tackle on the floor.

'Can I have some help?'

Mind in overdrive very quickly - I had a mobile, bottle of water and am supposed to be a Rescue Diver but......got to say ...this was a bit inconvenient :))

Shot over sat him down in the shade and all he he needed to do was to get back to his car but had been fishing in the full sun and had too much of it. He was very pale and sweating looking very dodgy altogether. Another guy arrived with his dog and here we have a slight diversion with Tilly going mental trying to kill a dog that really would have had her for breakfast, but eventually we got the invalid on his feet. The guy with dog carried his fishing tackle and ushered him back to the carpark. An hour and a half later I got back to the car and next door was a guy who looked exactly the like the ill person previously..in every way!

'Are you the guy who wasn't feeling very well earlier?'
'Oh, he looked really ill!'........I got a look from him here...
"Oh so sorry ...he wasn't very well! " I rattled on digging a deeper hole, "He looked really pale and positively dreadful. You looked so like him and was hoping you were alright! So sorry to bother you." Aaargh..........NOOOOOOO why did I say that?
He was gracious enough to say,'Thank you for caring." with a smile not looking at all offended!!! Started my engine but could have banged my forehead on the steering wheel Fawlty Towers like at this point!

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