
I'm beginning to think that working through the lunchbreak is not good for my concentration. Bits of my brain were starting to shutdown by 3:00pm, despite as much bad coffee as the office vending machine could generate.

Nor did I leave the office particularly early. I did want to stay in town to attend another lecture at Edinburgh University. I'm afraid it wasn't a terribly good talk. The speaker was a security expert and seemed more keen on giving us sleepless nights than actually informing us of anything useful. And the contents of his talk barely had anything to do with the title, which is always a bad sign.

However, it did give me the opportunity to photograph a succession of skateboarders doing aerial stunts. I think this chap was trying to fly/do a trick/catch his skateboard/land in one piece. I'm sure I can think of worse things to do on a late summer evening.

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