As seen by me...

By GrantR

Hovering hoverflys part 2

Rather pleased with this one.

Took the dog round the back garden for a piddle this morning and spotted what can only be described as a swarm of hoverflys around this bush/weed type thing in the garden. I mean there was hundreds of them, also wasps, bees even ladybirds. Whatever this plant is it's obviously in season for the insects. Spent a happy half hour getting all sort of shots until the battery cried enough.

I knew I had a few mid flight shots but as with these you can never be sure if you've got enough focus or it's just sharp enough to use until you get them downloaded. I think this is probably the best inflight shot I've managed to get so far. Charging the battery up now and will try again later if the light holds. Trying to get one head on which isn't the easiest. I did get one but it's about 1mm out of the sweet DoF spot!

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