West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Emergency Blip!!!!

I had hoped today to get some colourful football fans in Glasgow where Belgium are visiting to play Scotland at Hampden Park Glasgow and although I shot a few frames I had nothing I liked and certainly nothing I would have been happy to share with my fellow Blippers!!!

A detour on the way home and a short walk and a little patience and out came the redshanks watching all around just far enough from the beach to feel safe I sat for a while watching and enjoying a little peace before heading for home the cloud thickening and as I type I can hear the rain tap dancing on the stair head skylight true to form for the forecast heavy rain tomorrow.

No evening walk, and a sleepy sore head, I will leave you with this handsome chap, his beautiful bright legs vibrant in the very little sun there was, I hope you enjoy him

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