an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Tunnels Beaches

Today we decided to check out Tunnels Beaches in Ilfracombe. Its a strange place where in Victorian times tunnels were dug through cliffs to small coves. In this one cove a small wall was built in the sea that when the tide is out creates a big pool. As the tide goes out this also creates a bit of a reef, which I found out after foolishly following a couple of wetsuit clad locals (they are all wet suit clad. Its annoying) with a wander on the walls. Thankfully I held my own and fought the waves until swimming in on one.

Sadly a little later after taking Boy for a paddle he was stung or bitten by something which ruined the rest of the beach day for him. I think it was a wasp, though he claims it was an octopus. Too much Octonauts for him recently then!

We managed another pool swim before dinner where the little ones showed gains in confidence. Girl managed to do some swimming as she does in her lessons and Boy even managed some time off the inlatable jet ski, though not much.

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