Is that a canoe on your Cobb or are you......

In Lyme Regis, as you do.

Lovely, warm sunshine despite the ominous forecast and still very much feeling like the summer.

The Food Rocks festival was on and we caught the start of a food demonstration run by Jack, son of Rick, Stein and compered by Richard Bacon.

Not the sort of thing that a 5 year old and an 8 year old were desperate to see so we moved on and browsed a few shops, purchased some lunch and sat on The Cobb munching away unhindered by wasps or gulls.

I sampled some beer from Palmers, a local brewery, and ended up buying a presentation box of 8 of their beers. Lovely and friendly people.

Anyway, a proper day on the beach followed by a quick trip to Blackbury Camp, an Iron Age hill fort. A hill climb was going on nearby so that's something we could take the boys to another time.

What is it about the seaside that makes your relax?

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