Electrical Image

By ElectricalImage

Ghost Story

Those of a nervous disposition look away now....this is Chanctonbury Ring, allegedly one of the most haunted sites in the UK. The copse on top of the hill is the site of both a Roman temple and an iron age hill fort and there have been many stories associated with the place. This link Mysterious Britain is worth having a look at.

Here's the weird stuff. The photograph was taken using a 10 stop filter to blur the clouds, which were moving quite swiftly across the sky. so the shapes defined by those clouds were not visible at the time. Does anyone else see a prancing, Pan like figure in the sky above and to the right of the hill?

This picture did not want to be processed - Lightroom froze twice; when I invoked the browser to get the URL above, the browser crashed. The preview of this picture shows as green in Lightroom....coincidence?...cue Outer Limits music and fade....

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