Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Bigger Sis

Today was quite the day of introductions for Harrison. Beloved's family joined us for their first meet. For most of the day, he did as he pleased, which involves sleeping through unfazed, reserving any significant spells of consciousness for well after dark. Yes daytime wakefulness is limited almost entirely to peeks through the eyelids to check that everything is in order, before their weight conceals his eyes only a few seconds later.

Inevitably, the day involved lots of cuddles and approving noises, punctuated by the sounds of camera shutters. Lunch was provided for us, which was most welcome after the effects of junior's after dark activities have comprehensively taken effect.

Here is bigger Sis having another cuddle and a nose tickle, to her evident delight.

I hope you like it.

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