
By NickyH


(Better viewed large is you want to try it)

So the big question of today is did last night's experiment of letting H stay up a bit later in the hope of him sleeping in past 7am, work? Well.............

YES! Hallelujah! Only just over an hour later and then he woke up as he needed the loo, but an 8.05 am wake up call will do for me!

And imagine my excitement when I got up and the garden was covered in dew drops glistening in the sun?! Yes, the hands and knees in my pjs photography is back! I might have ended up with soggy elbows (kept the knees dry by kneeling on a plastic bag), and wet shoes, but I had my blip in the bag by 8.30 am!

Off to open a sneaky beer make fajitas for tea now. I will catch up with everyone later. Hope you've all had a lovely weekend! xx

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