Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

Wise Elder - Soaring Crane

Laurie and I went to an intergenerational women's music camp over the weekend and had a fabulous time. 60 women and girls of all ages came together to sing and play and laugh in the woods.

This is our friend DeEtte who led the group in some lovely Qi Gong before one of the singing sessions. I just love how elegant and serene she looks in the dappled light surrounded by firs.

This camp was the brainchild of my friend Connie, who I've known and sung with off and on for 30 years. She collaborated with Crystal, the director of the Intergenerational Women's Choir, to create this welcoming, fun, easygoing event. There is an article here about Crystal and the amazing work she does in the community to bridge the generation gap and empower children and adults through music. She is a treasure!

We had a talent show last night and I was quite blown away, especially by the youngsters -- 11, 12, 13 year olds doing top quality performances and definitely on their way to something wonderful. Actually, it already is wonderful, I just imagine it will be shared by larger and larger audiences. It was so fun to see these young girls so in their bodies and owning their voices! And one played a gorgeous Verdi violin concerto - amazing. Just effing amazing.

Group photo
A few shots from the talent show

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