The Latvian Episode

On Monday afternoon I hiked to the top of the ridge above the farm where we're staying in a small cozy cabin for three nights. I enjoyed the exercise and the scenery, but I was very disappointed to find several abandoned cars and pickup trucks.

We went to a hotel in the nearest village to have an early dinner (it was excellent) so that we could get back to the farm in time for a special event in the farm "lounge" -- an insulated heated Nissen hut.

About 50 or 60 people, mostly from the local community, came to listen to a presentation of medieval Latvian songs, music, and folklore about horses.

The performers were a Latvian couple playing period instruments and wearing traditional costumes. Although they live in Iceland, they speak very little of the language, so everything had to be translated into Icelandic.

During the intermission, coffee, tea, and cookies were served. Cynthia chatted with the woman sitting next to her, and discovered she had been an exchange student in a small town in our state. It was in 1966 -- the year I arrived from the UK.

It was a delightful evening and we were very grateful for the opportunity to be temporary members of this community.

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