Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Lazy Sunday.


On Sunday morning I was so tired that when Jeff got back from work and got into bed I did not move.
I shall just have another hour in bed said I at 8am.
When I woke at 11.30am it was to find Jeff still awake due to my snoring and coughing (there seems to be a bit of a sore throat and cough thing going on with me).

It was time to drag myself out of bed to do some cleaning and cooking.
Oh yes and to defrost the freezer in the cellar and throw out a LOAD of defrosted food.
This was due to #3boy - YES YOU THOMAS!! not closing the freezer door properly when he went to get Ice cream. That boy is doing my head in at the moment. (But I still love him - I must do or he would have been buried in that cellar this summer!!)

This evening it rained a lot so there was only one thing to do.
Stay in and make cup cakes. So I did.

When I got up there were only 4 left and Thomas ate them for breakfast before he went out to college :-)

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