Lightening Strike

I mentioned yesterday about the horrendous storms that we were experiencing. We were without power for 24 hours, although did come on for a little while last night, but was out by 9.30 am again until 1.30 pm this afternoon so Doug tells me.

We went to Tekapo this morning, to tidy up a few things relating to the convention. Along the way we drove through the small settlement of Burkes Pass and noticed this old tree totally munted from a lightening strike during the storm last night. This was planted back in 1893 and was a magnificent oak tree. This tree has stood the test of time and has been a part of this community. A lot of sad people in this small community. Taken with the iPad on the way home.

I'm not concentrating overly well, am feeling so tired. Got back from Tekapo at 5.30, then straight to a budget meeting followed by a convention meeting. I am just home now, 10.30 and off to bed in a moment.

Good night, Rainie.

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