
By Transitoire

La bière

Welcome to Tuesday, welcome to cheese and wine preparation as ever. Because we had so many people coming, we decided that celebratory beer buying was in order…so this is what we decided to get! Each one of these beers is brewed somewhere in Brittany, and we are very looking forward to tasting them. The labels are all very colourful and beautiful so well worth a photograph I would say!

The cheese and wine evening went swimimingly as ever, with people leaving after sunset and even after we had taken the candles away! Always a good evening, even if a little stressful and tiring for us.

We only know what we are and what life is because we can imagine it. In that sense it’s true that we, ourselves and everybody else, everything in the world, everything in the entire universe, all of life itself, is only what it is, is only real, because it has been imagined.

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