Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Yet more ferrety fun.

Those of you who have been following my journal for a while now will be more than aware that I'm currently ferret sitting for my flatmate who has been in america for 3 months. I love the little critters dearly but sometimes I think they plan things just to torment me. There's been the ongoing saga of Weasley and his pnuemonia which has needed 9 trips to Livingstone to see the vet since the end of June. Well it seems the second type of antibiotics aren't working so *fingers crossed* maybe there'll be a third type they can try him on when he goes back in on Friday.

Scuzz's cut had healed up nicely so today he decided to have another little accident. I'm not going to go in to details because it makes me queasy just thinking about it. Lets just say he managed to catch a rather intimate part on the cage. Weasley did the same thing once on a plastic box. I've no idea how they manage it but thankfully Weasley made a full recovery so I'm pretty certain Scuzz will too (and if not, he'll be coming to Livingston on Friday too).

My flatmates mum was in Edinburgh today so she popped in to see the Boys and catch up on how I was getting on with them.

This little whale is one of the ferrets favourite toys, if you bury it in their rice box they'll happily did it out.

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