
By LadyFindhorn

Gas Pipes

Can there be any street in Embra that isn't in the process of being dug up? Princes Street and the tram fiasco aside, there seems a concerted effort to make the highways as commuter unfriendly as possible. Witness the replacement of the old gas mains with the new pretty yellow ones in several parts of the city and with that the attendant traffic delays involved with the temporary traffic lights. I expect another downside of this to be that any new unblemished and newly surfaced roads (and there at least 2 in my area) which are so kind on the bicycle wheels will be dug up and patched and join ranks with the rest of the appalling city roads with their potholes, inconvenient repairs and broken drain covers.
Having got all off that my chest, i'm looking forward to lunch out in East Lothian today when his Lordship has finished sowing grass seed on a bare patch of the castle grounds where he felled a very, very old apple tree on Tuesday.

The upside of being older is being retired!

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