The Wren

By TheWren

Pooh 's having fun....

After an extremely mizzly start to the day I joined up with two chums and went fabric hunting. We had a great afternoon indulging our hobby and each of us returned home with just the perfect fabric to finish our current projects. In my case it was the binding for my latest quilt. My youngest grandson has been very, very patient waiting for his quilt until I had finished the large double one a few months back, which if you recall had taken me years to complete. Anyway i am moving on a pace with the new quilt and as my daughter had requested a space themed one I have designed my own night sky spilling over with space paraphernalia. I am thoroughly enjoying working on it and thought I would share with you one of the objects burling around the night sky - it is of course Pooh Bear in his own private space ship!

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