Daily Wild

By emyjane

Nice chap

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I'm not sure why I called this 'nice chap', but I thought it when I took the photo as it let me get very close & didn't mind one bit, of course, it could be a girl too... A speckled wood butterfly, enjoying the September sun - no sun tomorrow, day of rain it says, oh boo!


Mum to be

Gym, work, washing the washing machine, never seen so much grime, you wouldn't believe it, took me ages to get it white clean, inside & out... let my standards slip of late, always putting it off, but then I noticed a bit of dirt where the lenor flows through (fabric softener) & once I started, I didn't stop till ALL the grime had gone & it was spotless, talk about job satisfaction! Still on the healthy eating plan, either have a juice in the morning, a light lunch & a protein meal, or have two juices - one for breakfast & one for lunch & always a veggie one so I don't pile the sugar on with the fruits. Still working well & having naughty things when I fancy them, which is hardly ever! :) xxx

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