Tay Ghillie

By challum

It's getting cold outside

5.7 degrees this morning.

I knew it was going to be a cold night, when I was out ambushing rabbits in the field last night and had to come in at about 20:00hrs due to the falling temperature.

Now, our local rabbit population wasn't the only creature I was in pursuit of last night. We first saw signs of mice a few days ago - the unmistakeable little droppings on the kitchen floor. Now with wee Eilidh getting about more and more, this sent Mrs Mc into an Environmental Health frenzy of cleaning, with every surface getting scrubbed thoroughly.

It was down to Daddy Mc to administer the fatal blow to the furry wee critters though and when I woke this morning, three of the four traps had dealt their deadly blow.....

Rain at last yesterday has given the River Tay a rise of a few inches and that coupled with the much colder overnight temperatures should provide the anglers with a good days sport. Tight Lines!

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