Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Lack of something...

It is not without its troubles, this life. Enough will come your way without adding more to it yourself.

On my journey to work this morning a chap driving a 'souped up' car, drove so close to me that I couldn't see his headlights. His faith in his vehicle and his own driving skill showed such a lack of imagination as he fiddled with something or other. The road that I drive on is regularly closed or slow moving because of clearing off accident would think people would have a little humility!

When walking around with earphones in and staring, head down, at your phone (and let's be clear about this, you can't bloody see or hear that much!) what do people think will happen? More and more people are admitted to hospital every year with what they call 'TRI' related incident, walking into things, tripping up or being hit by moving objects that they just weren't aware of.....bloody idiots!

Somehow lobotomised by their connection to the digital world, being many places all at once but nowhere really, are they missing all the really wonderful stuff?!

I drove off the main road and went to watch the sun come up.......leaving Mr Idiot to drive up the arse of the car in front.

I leant on the bridge and felt the gentle cold breeze wash over me, closing my eyes and listening to the birds sing. This was 'The Juice', the real thing, here and now, I stood for some time soaking it all in.

It's all too easy to let it get you in a rut. But regulars will know my little mantras for that problem......Stop...look up....look down....See the world!


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