As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


The first of many long Tuesdays.

Alright, I'm not even going to waste my time talking about school today. That's not what's important to me right now.

Today was our first meet of the season. My last-first cross country meet of high school. The first race in our new uniforms, meaning my first race in a jersey other than the one I've worn for every race since my first race of freshman XC. I was really nervous because I was stupid and danced too much at last night's pasta party, and my legs were killing me all day (that will only make sense if you've seen me dance). But I knew what needed to be done, so I got over it and ran my heart out.

And it worked.

I ran 13:56, a 10 second PR. I broke 14. I came in 2nd for Wantagh, and 7th in the race. Our team ran really, really well, and we scared Mepham (they didn't think we were a threat at all). We ended up 6 points short of victory, but that was so much more than we could have ever hoped for. We have a big season ahead of us, and this is just the beginning.

Of course, MYO also had to start tonight. I went straight from Bethpage to home to get the cello, and then I drove myself, my sister, and Sophia to Herricks for rehearsal. I did horribly on my seating audition but I'm alright with that.

Finally home and time for bed.

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