yet another day

By yetanotherday

Florida - Day 14

Today we had a day at Discovery Cove booked. This involved getting out of bed early and arriving at Discovery Cove at 7.45am, by which time people were already queuing out of the front entrance. We still managed to get checked in quickly, after which we went to collect our wetsuits and then have breakfast.

There was a panic when we finished breakfast and Beth announced 'Where are my retainers?'. Someone had come to clear our trays whilst we were eating and Beth had left her retainers wrapped in a napkin on the tray!!!! I raced off and managed to find the lady who had cleared our tray on the other side of the restaurant. At this stage I had visions of me having to sort through black sacks of other peoples left overs in order to find the retainers :( By luck, chance or whatever our tray had been placed on top of her trolly and was the only one that had not been emptied into a sack, the wrapped retainers were there safe and sound.

After this debacle we headed for Sea Venture where we had the first slot of the day booked. This is an area where you wear a dive helmet and go on an under water walking tour. I hadn't booked for myself as I have back problems, but my husband and the kids did it. They spent around 1/2 hour down there and loved it, as you can see by their faces in the photo.

We spent the rest of the day swimming and snorkelling and having having a jolly good time :)

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