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By LovePopcorn


Piece #10
Pitcher, LARGE - the handle was attached in the appropriate place unlike previous pitcher.  The second "pulled" handle was much better - had a little coaching from Ray. Next time it'll be made a little thinner - I thought a thick handle would be appropriate for a large pitcher, but made it a mite TOO thick.
Also discovered I should have used a different angle in joining handle to pitcher as it looks like a mug handle not a pitcher handle - will adjust on next pitcher.
Learned how to load bisque kiln today: WP (wheel piece) #8 and #9 were in this load.

people: Mike, Ginny, Chris, Peter, Billy, Terry, Chiyomi, Tommy, Tony
places:  ECC (Mount Hope), Mission Valley, City Heights
particulars: Mike donated FOUR cups for Bethlehem Story props

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