
By SomethingAwful


I saw DU campus today! Had a little taster of American university life. Met A for lunch at the original Chipotle, then he showed me around the beautiful campus. His student Kaitlyn said they try to make it look like an Ivy League campus by topping all the buildings with bits of copper, but I thought it was gorgeous!

Sat in on A's class, got to see him in action - a proud niece! Surprised at some differences between students/literature academics in the UK/US.

Met Kaitlyn, she's a cool lady, and promised to show me a dive bar tonight. Went after dinner, and loved it. Such a good night! I'm not sure if it's cos I'm on holiday that i was being more outgoing, or that American students are super friendly, or that my accent was a good conversation starter... but the bar was awesome, buzzing, and I guess I'm just finding out a thing or two about myself that's actually not as dreadful as I thought. That bit's for me, but I guess not so cryptic.

Edit: Every time I upload a pic to blip it looks different than when I was editing it on my pc! Any suggestions? Or any idea which I should trust you all are seeing, or how to know whether my screen is like everyone else's?
Also the next day my ISO was all off, everything was weirdly over-exposed and then when indoors, quite under-exposed... Sad times! :(

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