Prickly Road Apples

Don't touch these with your bare fingers no matter what. Ouch, they hurt!

Saw these little not-fury fruit on the road going to our friend's house to look after their cats and chickens while they are away on holiday. Such a hot day, again. I want to go to the pool, but the kids are resisting me. Can't figure it out. Normally, they love swimming. And I'm not letting them watch television, so I just don't know why. I might have to force them anyway :)

Joke for the day:

While in the car Lewis asked Alyssa How does a cat sneeze?

Alyssa asks, Is it, Me, me , me Oooow!?
Lewis says, No.
Alyssa asks, Is it Meeeee Chew!?
Lewis says, No. It's, Per, per, Purrrrrew!

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