
By elfin


Depending of which timezone you take it from this photo was either taken yesterday evening or in the early hours of this morning. Either way I love champagne coupes - make me feel very glamorous. Which I wasn't in my Virgin pjs. But helped me sleep well on the flight - well at least until they started serving breakfast with 90mins of the flight still to go and making noise. Why do they do that? Surely sleep on a night-flight sleep is more important than a croissant. Saying that once I was awake I did enjoy some cornflakes. Popped to the lounge after landing for a shower and some lunch. Then had the worst driver home - he wouldn't stop talking shit the whole way. I tried ignoring him, I tried one word answers to his questions but nothing worked. He even started talking about tax but seemed confused and thought the policies Labour have proposed at their conference were now the law. I'm not patient at the best of times but when I'm tired.... Luckily the journey went well so got rid of him fairly quickly.

Nice to be home but disappointed the fella didn't come over - have really missed him. O well.

Now onto the important bit of my blip - I owe Roberto Martinez an apology. 4 weeks ago I slated him after a poor draw. But I was wrong. We're now the only unbeaten team in the premiership, playing some good football and in 5th. Am looking forward to seeing Baines' free-kicks (for yes he scored from 2) on MOTD tonight - something to keep awake for. Sorry Roberto. Forever Everton.

TS: travel exemption

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