Damp Day

Why not check out the cobwebs :) This one is on my overgrown rampant rosemary bush! Its a double layer... Not a terrible good shot, but I tried :)

My day off after a very busy weekend at work, so I got up late and then I'm planning on doing some rather dull but essential chores, oh and toss writing an assignment into it somewhere :)

Probably a pj day if the weather is anything to go by!

Does anyone know what would make a deep round hole in a plant pot with luckily nothing but just earth in it? Most odd appearance in my garden this morning!

Later, so I was just sitting on the sofa knitting and all of a sudden something hit the window! Not sure what so off I went out with the camera to find Billy jumping up and down at a nearby bush on my neighbours garden and basically going mad... An hour and a half later I still haven't found anything, so really no idea what (Billy refused to come in though)!

Happy Monday folks :)

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