
As I mentioned yesterday, I'm down in London with Spokes for a very happy event - the wedding of my dear friends SuMay and Susha.

I've known SuMay for, I think, 28 years and she's been one of the few constants in my life throughout that time - as good a friend and as wise an advisor as it's possible to have. I love her to bits and I couldn't have been happier when she met Susha who is a similarly high-quality individual and the perfect partner and soulmate for my buddy.

I've followed the development of their relationship with delight over the past few years and was absolutely thrilled earlier this year when they announced that they're going to become parents soon!

They didn't know the gender of their baby until last night when it was revealed to them when they cut their cake...

To clarify, when they went for the scan they asked the staff to put the information in an envelope which was then hidden in the cake!

So, everyone at the celebratory shindig was able to share the news with them... It's a girl!!

I took several photos at the party but I wasn't 100% happy with any of them. The best ones were of one or the other of them but I wanted to blip them both together - so, I leapt at Susha's invitation to pop round for a cup of tea today and I was finally able to get a picture of them both - in their post-nuptial bliss - that I feel passes muster!

Please note the 'post it' wall behind them showing just a fraction of their reminders to themselves concerning their big day - a day which, I might add, was planned to perfection. I particularly enjoyed the Tea Ceremony (and the opportunity to bust some moves on the dancefloor!)

Congratulations SuMay and Susha, and a long and happy life to you and little Bao!

Congratulations too to my lovely colleague Sarah who also tied the knot yesterday - it was clearly an auspicious day!

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