
By shy

I love clouds, me.

I haven't taken too many pictures of them recently (not in the past few days anyway), but this morning heralded a superb opportunity to take pictures of some absolutely stunning formations; some with the sun trying to peep through, little bits of blue here and there, but most importantly, a range of tones from the purest white to the darkest black.

Along came lunch, and it was pissing down. Bugger.

Work finally came to an end, and out I went to discover there was not one single, solitary sodding little cloud to be seen ....anywhere.

I have to tell you that I was very upset; azure blue sky and warm evening sunshine - not what I wanted at all.

And then I thought: is this what flipping Blipping has done to me??
It's made me pissed off because there's no clouds, It sometimes pisses me off because on a warm, sunny day, the nice cooling breeze moves flowers about so I can't focus for a macro shot.

Snap out of it Shy.....

This evening in Manchester we have GORGEOUS weather!


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