London Marathon 2104

By dmlFitz

Edinburgh RoadBlock 10K Run

My Wonder Woman Costume for the 10k Roadblock Race... I also ran with SuperGirl, Kick Ass and Where's Wally! :)

This run was a fundraiser for Chest Heart Stroke Scotland and the whole event raised £45,000 - which is amazing. It was a hot sunny day, which was a pleasant surprise for mid September in Scotland but did make running conditions a little warm. The route was up and around Arthur's Seat, a tough hilly route, without the added heat to contend with. ('s_Seat,_Edinburgh).

The obstacles were lots of fun, we had hurdles, free style jumping, climbed into the back of a removals lorry and had to climb through tangled tape, gladiators to get past with those giant cotton bud things?!, an army bootcamp with press-ups, cargo net and burpees, an inflatable obstacle course, zig zagged cordoned off areas to weave through, tunnels to crawl through and a fabulous Foam favourite obstacle.. it was all such good fun! :)

This is my 2nd 10k in as many weekends, I also have the Baxters 10K this weekend (29/09) and the Great Scottish Run Half Marathon (6/10) ... I also have a 17.46K booked for the 29/10 and so I think I can say that my marathon training has begun even without me making a conscious effort to get it started.

I am aware however, that I need to start to follow a training plan as I'm quite an enthusiastic person and I can find myself taking on too much too soon and I really need to avoid that from happening. I'm aiming for a nice steady increase in running miles with cross training in the form of cycling, walking, a couple of varying fitness classes (Vipr and kettle Bells) and maybe even some swimming thrown in.

I have lots of friends offering to train with me, which I appreciate so much. I've not really been much of a solo runner, although I do enjoy putting on my headphones and just going for a blast now and again.

Fundraising: I have LOTS of ideas and offers of help, again from my lovely friends, and I just need to pick the first event and get my fundraising efforts properly underway.

I'm aiming to post here fairly regularly from here on in... with updates on how I've gotten on at race events, how my training is coming along and how my fundraising is doing too!

The Public Ballot is about to be announced for the London Marathon 2014 and I'd put my name in for that before I got the opportunity to run on behalf of Fujitsu, fundraising for Shelter... I wonder if I'll get offered another place?! LOL

Watch this space...

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