
Scientific name: Phalacrocorax varius
Maori name: Karuhiruhi
Common name: Pied Shag or Pied Cormorant

Native to New Zealand. Breeds here and elsewhere, and is found here year-round close to the coasts.

Two Pied Shags nesting over a small stream in a wetlands area. Not really in a very sturdy place as the stream rises in rain and the branches are old and open to the wind but the sea is not far away for fish when the chicks have hatched. He has just been gathering food in the way of willow twigs with fresh spring leaves for her, and is now making his way back to his perch on the log in front of her. There was a lot of low throated calling as he came back and shifted to his position of protection, they will not tolerate other shags getting to close.

I could've cropped for a closer view of the birds but chose to leave it to show some of the environment. If you would like a closer view, try large.

It was a lovely spring day which lifted the spirits after our loss in the America's Cup, hard to match manpower against computers for technology. Mum and I had a great wander round the wetland area, a spot of lunch and then our grocery shop.

I'm grateful for all the lovely comments left for my eyes and head. I still wasn't the best this morning and didn't bother with the gym. As the day has progressed I have deteriorated, no longer cold so it must be allergy related, it will be another early night tonight. Yesterday's camellia made spotlight which made me smile this morning, thank you for your stars, hearts and encouraging words.

My thoughts are with all Kiwi's today, probably feeling a bit subdued, our sailors did us proud.

Happy Thursday everyone :)

This image fits the Square September Challenge by Ambling Camera

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